learning pages / Resources


  • foreign outlook

    The 'foreign outlook' in journalism showcases stories from abroad in a way that, superficially, may appear to focus attention on global issues. In reality, however, the emphasis is on discretely packaged narratives for the audience’s consumption rather than a broader commitment to explaining the wider context or long-term trends.
  • Fortress Europe

    Since the EU was established, the borders between its member states have been dissolving. Yet at the same time, its external borders have hardened – an approach widely known as ‘Fortress Europe’. Even for those fleeing persecution, entering the EU has become increasingly impossible for most refugees. As a result, many have been forced to take more dangerous routes, with a corresponding rise in the number of dead or missing people as desperation leads them to seek out smugglers and puts them at risk of human trafficking. Fortress Europe does not stop at its actual borders, but goes deep into neighbouring countries or even further in some cases in an attempt to create a buffer zone through a web of agreements, funding, detention centres and naval patrols.
  • framing

    Framing of the information means selecting certain aspects of the reality and making them more visible. By doing so we define this information in certain and not the other way, we explain its causes in one way and not the other, we morally evaluate it, and direct the recipient of information towards certain and not other solutions and explanations. As journalists, you may (usually unconsciously) direct the attention of the public to certain elements of the stories, to some concrete interpretation, as far as possible from possible alternative interpretations. We actually project our idea of the world on the outcome we share with the audience. By doing so we inevitably construct this portion of reality for us as well as for our audience.

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