Would you like to enrich your desk-based coverage on global issues? There are a few simple steps you can take to begin with.
There are media which do a great job – New Humanitarian, Thomson Reuters Foundation, Solutions Tracker, Positive News and many others. Follow them, scan through the stories they publish, look for the themes and topics they explore, identify perspectives and angles they use, what types of voices they include and how they narrate the story.
Did I manage to enrich my work by drawing on fresh and varied content that nobody else has covered?
For example, by subscribing to their newsletters or following them on social networks?
Did I, for instance, decide that while covering the top large macro stories, I would always include a certain amount of smaller micro or mezzo stories taking place in less prominent settings – or, even better, in marginalized contexts on the periphery of mainstream media interest?
Do I look also for information, news services, from less prominent parts of the world and underreported stories?